As an eyewitness to events here in Kiev, I want to share observations and comments with other people. The Orange Revolution is a historic event with great consequences not only for Ukraine but for freedom and democracy in Belarus and Russia.

Monday, November 29, 2004

Of Flags, Chants and Stickers

The most common flags seen on the street:

Tak! (Ukrainian for yes) on orange field
Opposition leader Viktor Yushchenko’s campaign flag.
PORA (пора = it is time) Black writing on yellow field.
PORA is the National Mobilization and Informational Campaign,
A student organization.
Ukrainian Flag. Blue over Yellow.
Often with a home made slogan written in the Yellow field.
Home made flags of all sorts.

The most common chants by people at rallies, in the streets and in the Metro:

Nas bahato, I nas ne podolaty! (Нас багато, і нас не подолати!)
We are many, and we can’t be overcome!
Kuchmu het! (Кучму геть !)
(President) Kuchma out!

Most common stickers seen:

Свободу не спинити!
Svobodu ne spynyty! Freedom is unstoppable!


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