As an eyewitness to events here in Kiev, I want to share observations and comments with other people. The Orange Revolution is a historic event with great consequences not only for Ukraine but for freedom and democracy in Belarus and Russia.

Monday, November 29, 2004

Funny Moments in the Orange Revolution

During the election night coverage by a state controlled television station the announcer was reading the news while a signer for the hearing impaired was signing in a window in the lower right corner of the screen. Later we found out that the signer had been communicating that the announcer was telling lies.

A Yanukovych supporter was being interviewed in Donetsk, the proposed new capital of an autonomous republic. She was angry, she was passionate, and she wanted the world to know that all of Donetsk supports Yanukovych. Behind her during the interview was a teenage boy holding an orange over her shoulder.


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