Hi Raul:
I fully agree with the questions that help you to choose one of the candidates. But they cannot be answered satisfactorily in our country, where every politician thinks only about their own ass, excuse the expression, but it is so.
I have some information about Yanukovich and it proves his illegal actions. But I don't think that Yushchenko is an angel either. By the way, an interesting fact is that almost all clairvoyants say that Yushchenko will be elected as president but he will die soon thereafter. He will be a leader for about two or three months. This fact can't be proved by scientists, but there it is.
Another interesting fact is that all media (those who support Yanukovich and those of the opposition) say that Yanukovich was a manager of one of the factories in 1976, when he was 26. But at that time, in order to lead a state business he must have been a member of Communist Party. It was not possible to be a party member if you had been imprisoned before. So how could he have been a factory manager? This is an absurdity.
A third interesting fact is that Yushchenko says that there are about 500,000 people in Independence Square. This cannot be true. The square's area is about 20,000 square meters. Only five men can stand in one square meter. So, 20,000 x 5 = 100,000. Why did he lie to 70,000 people? I think it is to create an illusion of a larger crowd. Why?
Lastly, I don't know if you were informed about the following. Yulia Timoshenko, Yushchenko’s right hand, stated at the Independence Square that "All people, who are more than five years old, living in the east of Ukraine must be killed (Russian - "vyrezany") as they are stupid (Russian - "bydlo")". Is this democratic way? About 70,000 thousand people heard this phrase. I don't really think that the opposition respects us and our choice. I 'm assured of that fact, because all the Russian channels showed this meeting, but it wasn't translated on such channels as "channel 5" or "TRK" or "1+1" or "Era". Why didn't those channels cover this?
I forgot to answer one of your questions. I'm from Lugansk, Lugansk Region. Lugansk is shown as a gangster system by the opposition. This is not so. You can believe me. I am not a gangster :)).
Respecting You,
I pray for Yuschenko's health daily because any group that would commit 'terrorist' actions (which could result in deaths of Ukrainian citizens - exploding gas lines leaving people with no heat or hot water during winter) in order to discredit the opposition, would have no problem with assasination. Aside from the poisoning, there had also been a report that Yuschenko's car had been rammed on the street by a vehicle, last week.
7:24 PM
It is of great concern to me and should be to all, that a political leader has been poisoned. The fact that anyone has access to this type of poison, should not only be of national concern but international. Obviously the source is Putin's poisonous pharmacy. I trust that the Ukrainian people will demand an investigation. What next?
3:36 PM
Sorry, but why is Putin assumed to have poisoned Yushchenko? Did he order Gongadze's death as well?
4:53 PM
Oh please...Kuchma's Killer Kitchen, Putin's Poison. Vsio Ravno. Same mind set with murderous minions. We visited Ukraine during the Soviet years, and had the misfortune of meeting a few low life aparatchiks, with independance they seem to have flourished. We are not anxious to return. Ukrainians in the past have won a few battles, hopefully this time they can manage to stand united and win the war. If the disgusting activity in parliament regarding constitutional reforms is any indication...it is a long road to a clean government and freedom.
10:38 PM
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