As an eyewitness to events here in Kiev, I want to share observations and comments with other people. The Orange Revolution is a historic event with great consequences not only for Ukraine but for freedom and democracy in Belarus and Russia.

Friday, December 03, 2004

THE "END GAME" BEGINS - by Mychailo Wynnyckyj Ph.D.

In a possible testament to the fact that my previous reports from Kyiv, and myinterviews on both CBC and Radio Liberty have not been to someone's liking, this morning my home telephone line suddenly ceased to function for severalhours. My access to email has unfortunately become somewhat limited as aresult. I will of course continue to write, but the frequency of my reports may decrease.

Kyiv, Dec 2 - 8pm

The "end game" begins?

Today I spent a fair bit of time talking with a group of reporters who work for a well-known western newspaper. Last night they spent about 3 hours meetingwith an individual who is among the closest advisors of Leonid Kuchma, andtoday, they met with a very highly placed western diplomat. I have promised tokeep their sources confidential, but I can report that both sources claimed that the final negotiations concerning the methods by which power will be transferred from Kuchma to Yushchenko have commenced.

---This six page letter can be found in its entirety by clicking the link below:


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